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Paper/Graph Learning

[GNN] Node2Vec: Scalable Feature Learning for Networks

0. Abstract

  • Previsous Study
    • predction task -> feature를 학습시키는 과정에서 많은 발전
    • BUT connectivity pattern을 제대로 학습 못함
  • This Paper
    • low dimensional feature learning & maximizing likelihoods of nodes
    • flexible notion of nodes ("neighborhood node" 너무 엄격한 구분 X)

1. Node2Vec

  • semi supervisded algorithm 
    • supervised : expensive for real-word
    • unsupervised : generalize X
  • SGD motivation
  • #Flexibility #Generalization
    • u, s6 : hub node -> real word : mixture of such equivalence

  • individual node -> extended to pairs of node
  • objective function

objective function




그래프 임베딩 요약 by 왓챠

이 글은 Primož Godec의 Graph Embeddings — The Summary를 저자의 허락을 받아 번역한 글입니다.목차0. 역자의 말 1. 그래프 2. 그래프 임베딩이란? 3. 그래프 임베딩을 사용하는 이유 4. 도전 과제 5. Word2vec 6


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